
Friday, March 18, 2011

Birthdays Are Happy Times

Our family celebrated Robbie's third birthday this past Tuesday. Tuesday was the official birthday, and though the day before I was very busy taking care of Tessa who had a fever and ear infection, I ran out Monday night and picked up a few things for the birthday party.

We gave him a few small presents--a book (Go, Dog, Go by P.D. Eastman), markers (he loves coloring with markers), a big floor coloring pad, and a motorcycle. The motorcycle was a hit--just 3 inches of hot wheel toy and he's a happy boy. The first present Robbie opened was the book. Just as soon as his brain registered that it was "just a book" without even flinching he dropped that present with wrapping still on and was on to the next thing. The next thing was the motorcycle, and his eyes and hands did a little dance of excitement.

Robbie's an awesome kid. My mom wanted a list of Birthday gift ideas. I'll share what I sent her just because it's a good reflection of what Robbie is in to right now.
Rock 'n' Roll music. Maybe he'd enjoy the Beach Boys, or 50's rock 'n' roll. I have a 50's rock n roll Pandora station he enjoys. That is rock 'n' roll we can agree on (Robbie's musical interests totally reflect Adam. My music is "girl music" to him)
Toy electric guitar
Painting stuff
Shirt with a motorcycle or monster truck or racecar
Have You Seen My Cat by Eric Carle
Go, Dog, Go by P.D. Eastman
Look-a-likes Jr. (we have one that has a house on the cover--Robbie loves to read it)
We Hide, You Seek by Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey

Happy Birthday, Robert


  1. What a cool kid! Rock and roll, electric guitars, motorcycles? He's got to be the coolest 3 yr old kid on the block. Those cupcakes look so good too. Love you buddy!

  2. The boys were nodding and saying "awesome" through most of the things on his list. Sounds like a super cool, well rounded kind of guy. :) And I hear you about little boys liking the jammin music. Luke calls it "wok 'n' noll." :)

  3. Cute balloon cake, Kari!
