
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Preschool Post

Emily went to preschool today. Twice a week, she will go to the home of one of six mothers involved in our little coop. Each of us six moms will be in charge of teaching once every six weeks. Being the poor college students that we are, I applied to put Emily into the headstart program, and though she did get in, Adam and I decided not to go that route. For many reasons this coop was the better preschool option.

To help Mikey feel apart of the group, I let him decorate his very own carpet, just like Emily. I thought he might be sad to see her go, but after today, I don't think Mikey will miss Emily. He enjoyed playing with her toys that are usually off limits when she's around to say so. Right now, Mikey is circling the couch and every time he comes close to Emily's play area she says, "Don't play where I am playing!"


  1. That is the cutest picture of Emily. Both carpets turned out really good. Laurie got me to thinking today - do you think it would be too crazy if we watched each others babies while we were doing preschool? Just an idea - we can talk later about it. Lashelle

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM

    That picture of Emily is darling--she looks like a school girl (kindergartener...) so grown up!We love and miss all of you. --Mom A.

  3. So, I was looking at the picture, the carpet and how well Mikey had decorated it and thinking how big he is getting. Then I saw that little pacifier in his hand and remembered he is still only two after all. Ha ha. What a cutey! Still reminds me of Pete--even more now. Has that grown up look about him.

  4. So how's the preschool coming? Have you had a turn yet? I'm also interested in why you chose this instead of the college program. I think I would have done the same thing. More homey I'm sure for one.
    There certainly is something to having the second child get a chance to be the oldest on at home for a while. Seth and I get a lot of one on one lately too, or one on two when Luke is up.

    We can't wait to see you for Thanksgiving!!!
