
Monday, September 22, 2008

I love to ate, ate, ate

Apples and Pears

It's funny that kids will eat what they normally wouldn't when you make it fun. The other day, my neighbor brought over 16 lbs of pears. She and I split 32 lbs from the church farm in Medford, OR. I used to dislike pears, and haven't eaten one in years. I do like them canned, so I got them to can. I thought the pears weren't ripe and told the kids to not eat them. Instead, I let the kids carry a couple around in a little lunch paper sack. Mikey pulled one out and took a bite and we discovered that they were ripe, and they were really, really good! I've been missing out all these years!!

Today, the kids and I were peeling/coring/slicing apples with one of these apple peeler/corer/slicer tools for canned apple pie filling. Emily started to eat the long spiral strips of apple peel that are left over after peeling, etc., the apple. I was very surprised that she would eat the apple peel, but when it comes in spirals, who can resist?

By the way, the website is worth checking out for home canning recipes, how-to videos, instructions, and photos. Their motto is "If I Can, you Can!"


  1. To me, pears (and most other fruits) are best when they are cold right out of the fridge. We have a few pears sitting on the counter and every day the kids ask me when they will be ripe: Kids like what is put in front of them as they are good job. Don't you just love the bounty of fall and the harvest?

  2. Love your new look on your blog!!! So fun. I love your stories of your kids. It's so true, make it fun, and sometimes off limits and that's all it takes for one super duper time!

  3. Anonymous7:24 PM

    ooooh. I like your new backdrop! pears are good too...
