
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Adam and Kari, sans kiddos

 The photo with Adam and me was a trick to get. Carefully resting my camera on the split rail fence to be sure it wouldn't fall, I hopped the fence, ran to Adam, and waited 'til I thought the camera had clicked. I went to see our photo, but there was none.  Instead, there was a quick video of Adam backing up in front of the camera, then standing with a smile on his face.  So the process started over and finally we got our photo-- just the two of us like it was nine years ago.

View of nearby farm from the Whitman Mission Historical Site, Walla Walla


  1. You are enjoying your new camera, aren't you? So are the rest of us. :) Looks like a great trip. I love honeymoon trips over the years.

  2. Super cute shot of you two. Way to take time for a picture. Lovely scenery too!

  3. I sure can't tell you're expecting!

  4. Sounds familiar- we've tried to get a shot of us and with no family around you do your best!
