
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ready, Set, Smile


Set . . .


Is there anything more cute than the grin of a 6 year old with missing teeth? Emily did not hesitate to let Dad pull her wiggly loose teeth out. Adam was eager to do it, too. I think it's so funny how little kids think losing teeth is the greatest thing, and have zero concerns about the new gaps in their sweet smiles. Emily was missing all of her four front teeth at one time. As I had expected, Emily lost her first two front baby teeth when Tessa got her first two front baby teeth. Glad to see the gaps are filling in....slowly. Just hope they fill in straight.


  1. Carrie7:28 AM

    I agree. Having a gap in a little child's smile is just over the top! Probably listening to her talk is just as cute :)

  2. Cute haircut too. It makes her look super grown up.

  3. Here's a hug from me; can't resist that cute smile. If she's lucky, she'll get the genes from Grandpa in the teeth department, not from me...

  4. I wouldn't count on those teeth coming in straight :) Maybe you will have much better luck than us; Ellie had her first orthodontist appointment the other day. Looks like a long road ahead. Makes me want to keep Jane's baby teeth in there as long as I can :)

    Emily is so beautiful. Just look at that face!

  5. Yeah, they don't look like they are coming in straight at all. She may not have been so lucky to have Grandpa's genes (nor mine). Argh...
