
Monday, August 13, 2007

Emily Turns 3

Happy Birthday, EMILY ! ! !

Emily turned 3 on August 11th. We were way excited to have Jonathan, Seth, John, and Christine here to celebrate, and to wear pink, shiny party hats. It was the first birthday that Emily was able to anticipate. She talked about it for weeks before, and is already talking about her next birthday.

Christine snapped this great shot of Emily shying away from the flaming birthday cake.
Adam arranged the candles in the shape of a 3. One look, and I knew she would need a lot of help getting them all out. We also went swimming as a family, Emily's choice.


  1. I love how both the boys in the picture are delighted by the bonfire, and the girl is a little concerned. Boys will be boys. : )

    That looks like an awesome pool! We'll have to go there next time we come up. : )

  2. Nice cake and party. Did you guys find a package from Idaho?

  3. Yes we did. In fact, you can see some of you Emi's new bracelets and ring surrounding the boquet on the table in the photos.

    I want to call you so Emily can personally say Thanks!

  4. Emily is 3...Our girls are getting big! Sorry we're so bad with birthdays. IT's really something I want to do better with, especially amongst the cousins. We'll do better, I promise. We love you guys.

  5. Emily, you are such a princess.
    Wow! 3 years old.

    Grandpa Mike loves you.
