Adam, the kids, and I spent part of last week with my sister Elsa and her family. Elsa and Chris are buying 3 acres for their new home. We went and saw the property, which has a small creek running through it. Right now it also has a lot of dirt "castles" for the kids to climb.
While we were walking around their property, I spotted Emily, Curtis (4) and India (7) all heading for a nearby dirt castle. Curtis glanced back to see Emily way behind them--her short stride just couldn't keep up. He turned around and affably walked back to Emily, giving her his hand to walk with her. Curtis, you are such a good friend!
Adam and I also spent a day and a half away from the kids. Just the two of us--as it was when we were first married, and like it will be when the kids leave the house. For our Birthday dinner, Adam and I went to a Mexican restaurant with a festive feel and tasty food. Our waitress and another employee sang the Birthday song to us!