
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

On The Trail

We ventured out with our kids and my sister Heather's family to hike the Naches Peak Loop during Labor Day weekend  It was a beautiful mid-morning and afternoon on the trail.  We took many breaks along the way to share a drink of water with our kids, look at the colors on a rock, pick a tasty blueberry, visit with other hikers, photograph the scenery, and more.

Adam and I used to hike with a goal: reaching the waterfall, finishing the loop, reaching the summit; but with kids, it's different. We spend more time taking in the scenery and appreciating what is right around us, and what a lot there is to see; so many beautiful creations.




  1. Wow, I love it. What a beautiful hike!

  2. Beautiful! James is growing up so much!

  3. Good Pict, Thanks for sharing..........
