
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tessa meets the family

Meet Tessa Marie Anderson, age one week.

I can't hardly believe it. Just last Sunday, I awoke at 4:15 a.m. and felt some backpain...ouch!...and grabbed the cell phone to start timing contractions. 5 minutes apart, 15 minutes apart . . . could it be a false alarm? Then 5 minutes apart, 3 minutes apart . . . and we were out the door and on our way to Memorial hospital.

5:30--Adam and I walked in to the hospital, a nervous smile on my face. I was wheeled in to the birthing center where we would wait for a room. I was wheeled in to "suite" 426 at 6 a.m. Our doctor arrived (finally!) between 6:10 and 6:15, and I was holding our baby girl at 6:20.

Now that's the way to start a morning!

We were all so happy to finally meet and hold baby Tessa in our arms.


  1. Carrie12:50 PM

    For sure! Nice work there! Wondering if you were ready at 5:30 then having her there an hour later must have been so crazy! Kari, you are so amazing!

  2. Kari! Look at that sweetie! Of course all babies are cute, but just look at her perfectly round head. And those cheeks! I could eat her up. Sounds like it was quite a quick ride getting her here. So glad everything went well. Tessa is a beautiful name for an absolutely beautiful baby girl! Congratulations!

  3. I'm gushing over this.

    And I'll say it once, and I'll say it again, you look so great. This is the speech bubble for you in the first pic, "So, I just gave birth, no big deal." You are amazing!

  4. Thanks, Mary. I love the bubble comment. I think we look tired--actually, I think Adam looks more tired than me!

  5. We Love baby Tessa! So sweet, and so little compared to my big 7 week old Rachael :) I love this pic of Michael timedly holding his sister, he looks he thinks she just might break.

  6. WOW!!! How exciting for your family! I actually have 3 friends that had babies on that same Sunday morning. I LOVE the name Tessa--it's one we have considered using (not that we need one at the moment). Congratulations!

  7. Congrats! I was just thinking of you guys and wondering if she had arrived yet. We were up in Washington at my sisters last weekend and I thought of you as we past the exit that would take us to you. I'm glad your all doing well.
