
Monday, November 10, 2008

They're back!

After raking up all those leaves, they are just slowly returning . . . 

So, despite all my efforts, I have leaves covering my lawn again plus some sore muscles. 

Ah well. 


  1. Thought for the day: Raking leaves in Oregon is just like doing the laundry...just because you did it today doesn't mean it's not there for you to do again tomorrow :) We wish we had enough leaves here to rake--and we wish we had YOUR KIDS here to jump in the leaf piles with us (and you, too). Can't wait to see you soon!

  2. Boy do I understand this post. We have a big beautiful and wonderful shady tree out back that holds untold amounts of leaves. After breaking our backs weakend after weakend, year after year, we finally got a leaf blower/vacuum/mulcher this year for $60. Best purchase of the season for sure.
